Cymbiosis are proud to present our brand new personal customer log in area and live testimonials page! Posted by Peter Swain August 2nd, 2013 Over the past 9 months, we have had a raft of new updates to our web presence here at Cymbiosis. In October 2012, we announced the launch of our brand new website which has proved to be a massive success, giving you, our customers even more information and detail into everything from the very latest in hi-fi news to product information and our ex-demonstration and previously enjoyed offers. We now look to once again push forward with our plan to give you the ultimate interaction with us here at Cymbiosis. Our personal log in areas and live testimonials page have now been integrated into the very heart of our website. From your personal area you now have the ability to manage your e-subscriptions, and choose exactly which of the Cymbiosis newsletters and mail-outs is relevant to you. This means that you only receive emails that are specific to you and your products. Whether you own an LP12, Linn system or a Naim streamer, our personalised mailing lists mean you get emails relevant to your system and interests. Alongside this new raft of updates we have launched our brand new live testimonials page. At Cymbiosis, we have always thought that personal opinions are far more valuable and relevant than an anonymous comment; this is why we have made it possible for you to leave your own personal testimonial. Why not take a look at our new testimonials page here, and feel free to add your own via your personal area. Your very own Cymbiosis personal area! We have also been looking for a way to simplify our events system so that it is simple and easy for you to book your place at any of our Linn Lounge events, Kliniks or product open days. This was something that a number of our customers highlighted as being a barrier to attending events before, now we have our own fully functioning events system. This is something that we will be putting live in the coming weeks alongside some exciting more events. Over the coming months we are also going to be integrating more features into our personal log in area. Features such as “register your interest”, “personal downloads” so you can download your personal invoices, product manuals and technical specifications and also a dedicated Cymbiosis e-shop are all in the pipeline, so watch this space! To register for your very own Cymbiosis Personal area, please click here or click “register” at the top of any page. For more information about personal log-ins or if you have any questions or issues, please contact Tom or Phil directly. Tweet Tweet Share Website