News / Linn

Linn Summer Promotion 2024 – Sondek LP12 Upgrades

Posted by May 27th, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Linn will be running a promotion over the months of June, July and August this year. This summer promotion is centred around LP12 upgrades and is available to all customers globally.

This summer, with the purchase of any Sondek LP12 component, you will receive a 30% discount on any second upgrade (the cheaper of the two) you choose to buy at the same time.

New Linn Utopik Power Supply Upgrade

Posted by November 4th, 2023

Powered by Utopik

Linn Utopik Power Supply UpgradeUtopik is Linn’s all-new generation of exceptionally efficient and highly responsive switch-mode power supplies for their products,

Utopik provides the best of both worlds, comfortably outputting maximum power whilst retaining speed, responsiveness and consummate efficiency. It maintains absolutely stable output voltage; providing Linn products with relentlessly optimised, pure power regardless of current demand, or where you are in the world.