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Peter travels to the Far East!

Posted by February 28th, 2013

Once again, Peter Swain has been off on his travels visiting some of our customers in the Far East. On a 2 week tour of Asia, Peter will be travelling to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Hong Kong seeing a range of customers and friends new and old.

Peter is currently in Dubai before he moves on for the rest of his visit. Below are a number of photos he has sent back to document his trip. We hope you enjoy seeing what Peter is up to on his travels and we will update this blog post with new photos as they come… Enjoy.

A Lyra Atlas cartridge being demonstrated on a Cymbiosis Signature LP12.

A Lyra Atlas cartridge being demonstrated on a Cymbiosis Signature LP12.

The Dubai Skyline.

The Dubai Skyline.

The build stage. Peter swaps cartridges during a home demonstration in Dubai

The build stage. Peter swaps cartridges during a home demonstration in Dubai

Whilst in Dubai, Peter took some time sightseeing to visit Ferrari World...

Whilst in Dubai, Peter took some time sightseeing to visit Ferrari World…

Lyra Atlas mounted in an Ekos Se/1 for a client demonstration.

Lyra Atlas mounted in an Ekos Se/1 for a client demonstration.

The Burj Khalfia at night!

The Burj Khalfia at night!

Peter in Dubai Aquarium!

Peter in Dubai Aquarium!

For more information and updates on Peters travels across the Far East, please keep an eye on this blog post or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the very latest from Cymbiosis.

Phil Mulvaney

Phil has been involved in electronics retail for most of his life and has been a member of the Cymbiosis team since 1990. Phil specialises in digital streaming and networking solutions and is also one of the Cymbiosis webmasters.

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