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Advance Warning – Linn Price Rise Imminent

Posted by December 19th, 2022

For anyone who has been thinking of investing in a Linn product in the near future, you may be interested to know that Linn has announced a price rise to take effect from 20th January 2023.

You hardly need us to tell you that 2022 has been a year of rising prices. Energy in particular has become dramatically more expensive, hitting manufacturers hard. Higher energy costs also explain why everyone is paying so much more to transport goods. In fact, inflation has affected the price of almost everything, right across the world. As a result, this is why Linn are making corresponding increases in the prices of their products, spares and fixed service charges from 20th January 2023.

All orders placed by the 19th January 2023 will be at the pre-increase price so please contact us if you wish to place an order. If you would like to audition any Linn product before placing an order, then please contact us to book your demonstration.

Selekt DSM (all variants and components) and Arko are exempt from this price rise.

The new product price list can be seen here

Cartridge trade-in values are still at the current price but will be adjusted on the 20th January

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Phil Mulvaney

Phil has been involved in electronics retail for most of his life and has been a member of the Cymbiosis team since 1990. Phil specialises in digital streaming and networking solutions and is also one of the Cymbiosis webmasters.

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